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As some of you know, my husband works at a grocery distribution center. As the manager of the quality assurance department, he is not thrilled when recalls on food are issued. The obvious reason for this is the amount of effort it takes to get food out of the reach of the consumer. When there’s a problem with peanut butter or tomatoes or frozen pizzas or anything else, great steps are taken to ensure these foods with potentially harmful ingredients are not made available to you. Last year he personally chucked case after case after case of tomatoes – enough to fill two 30 foot dumpsters – into waste bins when that scare came around. At other times, he’s had to accompany the recalled product to the disposal sites and sign off that it was all handled properly—simply because of the contaminating ability of the food in question.
In thinking about this process, I started meditating on the “contaminating” ability of the life of God in us. Growing up, I had a wrong view of my salvation, thinking that anything and basically everything could contaminate me and somehow negate the power of the blood of Jesus Christ in my life. I’ve seen this same mindset repeated in many other Christians. Because of this mentality, they shrink back from anything “secular” in fear for their own lives. Their insecurities keep them focused on themselves and ineffective in the world they live in. That sounds like a trap developed by the enemy if I’ve ever heard one.
How liberating it has been to me to realize His seed is incorruptible (yes, it says so in the Bible)! This nugget of truth has freed me in more than one way. I’ve realized that I can’t earn His grace, love or favor and since I can’t earn it I certainly can’t do anything to maintain it. I’ve realized that since the responsibility of preserving His life in me belongs to no one but Him, my focus can properly shift to sharing that life with everyone I can. God has placed that divine seed of life into each one of His sons & daughters for the purpose of us taking it into all the earth and spreading it to everyone we come in contact with. I heard Pastor Cathy Walker recently say (in speaking about a particular situation with someone who would soon become a believer) “They won’t contaminate me…I’m going to contaminate them!!”
So, come on…let’s get close enough to know each other and spread some Life…you’re contagious and I am too!