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What The Lord Has Done

Order the new CD
What The Lord Has Done

It's here!
Because He gave us life more
abundantly, we can arise and fulfill
His plan...the plan that is lived out in history...HIS-STORY for HIS GLORY! 


 Here In The Glory


 Here In The Glory CD

The road to here
The journey from there
All have led me to a place where
I found that You are always near
Now I know the glory is here

Morning After Night


Morning After Night CD

As surely as God has purposed
morning to come after night,
He has provided a song to carry
us through the darkness
of our night seasons

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Covenant World Outreach
Worship Team

Into Your Secret Place


New Blog Post
Check It Out


Cathy Walker

Pastor Cathy Walker's
new cd is here!!  16 tracks of glory straight from the throne! 


At the beginning of a new year, we often think of resolutions to make and changes we want the year to bring us. Then, about a month into it, we've most often given up because in our own strength we fall short of making true change. At best, we can only rehabilitate (re-habit) our actions. The truth is that only Jesus Christ can truly make anything new in our lives. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new

2 Corinthians 5:17

Then He who sat on the throne said,
“Behold, I make all things new.”
And He said to me,
“Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

Revelation 21:5

So though it's no longer January 1st, there's still true hope for the change you need. You may or may not have already accepted the forgiveness Jesus has offered you in SALVATION. Invite Jesus into every area of your life and allow HIM to make the changes in you. He will make you whole in spirit, in soul & in body. He makes all things new.

All Things New!!



Song SpotlightThis new year for me has been one of renewed passion and dedication simply to who Jesus is. My heart has not been searching for a new, "deep revelation" of doctrine, per say, but really is drawing toward the basics of the first love that drew me to Christ. The simplicity of His presence in my life and how everything changes as a result of knowing and loving Him is superseding everything else. When I realize that Jesus really did finish the work on the cross and that He really did everything in order to make a relationship possible, I can just rest in His love knowing I don't have to perform or be good enough to deserve His love - I just have to accept it. Instead of focusing on how I don't measure up, I can focus on how He measured up and then I can really start living loved...

I can't help but love You and rest here in Your arms

I can't help but worship You for who You are

I can't help but seek You

You're the very breath I breathe

I can't help but love You, You're everything to me

I can't help but love You, Lord You have my heart

I can't help but worship my King, my All in All

I can't help but seek You as deep cries out to deep

I can't help but love you, You're everything to me

You washed every stain, took my sin away

You broke every chain

And made a way for me to know You

Now I stand amazed, chosen, with a new name

Enraptured by grace

And I can't help but love You


© 2014 by Rebecca Baldwin

Today is the day of salvation...
Arise, shine, for thy light has come...
You've come into the kingdom
for such a time as this...

Open your mouth!I pray that what you read & hear on this site is a revelation of the life and love God has for you.  If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, your Lord & your King then seek Him right now.  His face is always toward you and all you have to do is call upon Him to have life more abundantly! 

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